Thursday 23 July 2015


I am writing this blog for an assignment at my university under the module ‘The Enquiring Minds: Creative Approaches’. In one of the lectures, we were asked by our lecturer to define ‘creativity’, my definition was creativity is an expression of one’s self using their cognitive ability in any forms as they wish to convey a message. From what I have gathered from my course peers, a majority of the peers have said creativity is the ability to do art as you can use many materials to create a picture in your own fashion. We all mutually decided that creativity is undefinable as there are many different theories behind creativity. There is one definition which appealed to me:

“Flaws create mystery, mystery creates fascination and fascination, in turn, it leads to a desire to understand. Therein lies an important secret that all great musicians, artists, and writers instinctively explore or exploit."
(Craft, 2005)

In this reflective journal, there are going to be five key areas of creativity in education discussed along with my own experiences to reflect along with those chosen key areas. The five key areas I have chosen to discuss are:

  • Creative Partnership
  • Scientific Enquiry
  • Creativity and Education
  • The Leonardo Effect
  • Outdoor Learning

  • These five key areas appeal to me as I have partaken in some of the activities relating to these key areas. I will be looking at the whole area of education rather than focusing on one area such as the Foundation Phase.


Craft, A. 2005. Creativity in Schools: Tensions and Dilemmas. Oxon: Routledge

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